Seventh Grade
Supply Lists by Subject
- TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator
- Graph paper
- 3-ring binder for handouts and returned papers (You may use this for more than one class if you wish.)
- 3 Dividers
- Pencils, highlighters
- Checking pens
- Protractor and ruler
Algebra I
- 5 section spiral notebook with pocket dividers for class notes and handouts
- 1 section spiral notebook for homework (100 pages or so works nicely)
- Pencils and erasers
- Colored checking pens
- TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator
- Loose leaf paper
- Graph paper
- Highlighters
- 1.5 Inch binder
- 2 Dividers (one entitled Literature, one entitled Language)
- Pencils
- Colored pens/pencils for checking
- Highlighter
- College-ruled notebook paper
- Books: Please, procure these now and have your student store them at home or in his/her locker until we begin reading them. It is VERY IMPORTANT to use the ISBN numbers and get the editions I have listed as we will reference specific page numbers in our class discussions. It will cause your student undue stress to have to locate the corresponding page numbers in a different version.
- The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt
(ISBN 978-0-547-23760-2) - Bomb by Steve Sheinkin
(ISBN 978-1-250-05064-9) - A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park
(ISBN 978-0-547-57731-9)
- The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt
- Headstock turner
- Footrest or approved guitar support
- Appropriately sized classical guitar with case
- 3-ring binder w/ pockets (1 inch)
- colored pencils
- 100 lined 4x6 index cards
- 1 poster board
Phenomenon of Language (Latin)
- 3-ring binder* - 1" is fine for this class alone or see note about shared binders below
- 5 dividers (labeled: Mythology, Language Study, Culture, Geography/History, Graded Assignments)
- Notebook paper
- Pencils/Highlighters/Colored Pencils
- 1 1" 3-ring binder
- College ruled notebook paper
- Calculator
- Pencils
- Red ink pen
- Black or blue ink pens
- Highlighters
- Colored pencils
- 1 bound notebook
Supplemental English Essentials
- One divider (entitled English Essentials) to add to English binder
- Pencils
- Colored pens/pencils for checking
- Highlighter
- College-ruled notebook paper
*Nota Bene - SHARED BINDERS: Many 7th grade students find it helpful to have one LARGE 3 ring binder for morning classes (1st + 2nd period are the classes before break), one for midday classes (3rd + 4th period are the classes between break and lunch) and 1 smaller binder for 5th period (after lunch) (6th period is elective). Students may switch books/binders at their lockers at break and lunch, so they don’t have to carry all books/binders all day.
Downloadable Files, including summer reading, review packet, & field trip information
Summer Reading Accountability for New Students:
- Students who are enrolled by June 30 will be expected to complete the summer reading by the first day of school. You will be assessed within the first two weeks along with your classmates.
- Students who enroll between July 1 and August 30 will have until the end of the first marking period to complete summer reading assignments. You will be assessed by the end of the first marking period.
- Students who enroll on or after September 1 will not be expected to complete summer reading assignments.